Apprenticeship - Enrolment
Welcome to the apprenticeship enrolment page
We know that the enrolment process can seem daunting, but we've tried to make it as simple as possible.
Once you've completed these steps, We'll be in touch to talk about what happens next.
Please complete the enrolment and education forms below. These forms will provide us with information about your skills, experience, and education. Don't forget to provide your assessor with a copy of your ID, either a passport or driver's license.
2. Take our initial assessment. This will help us to determine which apprenticeship is the best fit for you.
As an apprentice, you're embarking on an exciting learning journey. You'll develop the skills and knowledge you need to be a valued employee, and you'll have the opportunity to learn more about how your organization works and how you can perform your role to the best of your ability. We're excited to help you get started on your apprenticeship journey!
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Hygiene Sue
Apprenticeship Enrolment Form
Here are some additional things to keep in mind:
The enrolment form will ask for your contact information, DOB and your National Insurance number
The education form will ask for your contact information, educational background, and work experience, and will require you to upload a copy of either your driving licence or passport.
The initial assessment will assess your skills and knowledge in the area of your chosen apprenticeship.
Hygiene Sue - Policies and Procedures
Hygiene Sue fully supports the principles of equality and diversity, safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and the right to a fair assessment .We are committed to satisfying these principles in all our activities and published material. A copy of our policies and procedures are available here