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Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor - Example

Congratulations on enrolling onto the Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship.

This apprenticeship will give you the skills and knowledge you need to be a successful team leader or supervisor.

You will learn how to manage a team or project, support, manage, and develop team members, Plan and monitor workloads and resources, take responsibility for delivering operational plans, resolve problems, and build relationships. At the end of the apprenticeship, you will be awarded a Level 3 Apprenticeship in Team Leadership/Supervision. This qualification will be recognized by employers across the UK.

Here at Hygiene Sue we are excited to see what you will achieve during your apprenticeship. We know that you have the potential to be a successful team leader or supervisor, and we are here to support you every step of the way.

Work Meeting

Safeguarding, Prevent, British Values, Equality and Diversity 

Hygiene Sue is committed to providing all of its apprentices with a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, regardless of their race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.

We promote British values by creating a positive and inclusive learning environment where all apprentices feel valued and respected. We are also committed to safeguarding all of our apprentices, preventing radicalization, and promoting equality and diversity.

If you have any concerns about your apprenticeship, please speak to your assessor or to our safeguarding officer. We will take all concerns seriously and will take appropriate action to protect the individual.

You can learn more about Hygiene Sue's policies and procedures by clicking on the button below:

Working at home

1. What am I going to learn?

Level 3 Diploma for Team Leaders/Supervisors

To complete the Highfield Level 3 Diploma for Team Leaders/Supervisors Apprenticeship,

you must complete all of the following units:

1. Team Building and Development

2. Building a High-Performance Team

3. Communication

4. Organisational Culture and Strategy

5. Data Analysis

6. Project Management

​7. Organisation Governance

8. Managing Self

9. Problem Solving

Meeting at the office

2. How am I going to be assessed?

The Gateway

Once you have completed your apprenticeship training, you will be asked to attend a Gateway meeting. This is a meeting between yourself, the assessor, and your employer to agree that the you have now gained the skills and knowledge to complete the apprenticeship exam/assessment, which is known as the End Point Assessment (EPA). The you will need to have completed your Off The Job Training and if required, passed the Functional Skills Level 2 Maths and Level 2 English.

The gateway meeting is a positive step in the apprenticeship journey. It is a chance for the apprentice to demonstrate their hard work and dedication, and to get closer to completing their apprenticeship successfully.

The Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor Exam/End-Point-Assessment

  •  Presentation with questions and answers 

        You will be required to prepare and deliver a presentation on a topic that you have covered within your Apprenticeship.

        The presentation should provide a summary of your role as a team leader and what you do, and how this is relevant to          your role and organization. On the assessment day, 20 minutes will be assigned to the Presentation and 30 minutes to

        the Questions and Answers.

  •  Professional Discussion supported by a portfolio of evidence

        The Professional Discussion will be set up to bring out the best of your skills and knowledge. It will cover the KSBs           

        assigned to this assessment method. It will be a two-way conversation between you and the IEA, encouraging you to

        share your own work and experiences. Duration 60 minutes

Cup of Coffee

3. How am I going to learn?

Hygiene Sue has created a Google Drive folder for you, containing your course modules.

The modules have been divided into workbooks and textbooks. The workbooks contain activities and exercises that you will need to complete, while the textbooks provide more in-depth information on the topics covered.

Your assessor will also upload additional course materials as you start the course.


You can also use this folder to upload your coursework, projects, photos, and evidence. Click the "Course Materials" button to access the folder.


Apprenticeship Tool Box


Need to catch up or test your knowledge?

The Apprenticeship toolbox offers recorded Apprenticeship Forums covering essential topics like British Values, Safeguarding, and Cyber Security. Plus, there are practice multiple-choice questions tailored to your apprenticeship to help you ace your end-point assessment. Just click on the button

Laptop and Paperwork

Apprenticeship Tracker
To help you stay on track during your learning journey, it is important that you complete your apprenticeship tracker. The tracker will help you to:

  • Track your progress: The tracker will allow you to see how you are progressing through the apprenticeship program. This will help you to identify any areas where you may need additional support.

Apprenticeship Tracker
Boxes on Conveyor Belt

4. Off The Job Training

Off-the-job training is learning that takes place outside of an apprentice's day-to-day work duties and is directly relevant to their apprenticeship. The training will be a mix of different activities that will help you develop as an employee. Here are a few examples:

  • Shadowing: Learn from experienced colleagues by following them around and observing their work.

  • In-house training: Take part in employer-provided training programs.

  • Coaching: Get one-on-one guidance from experienced professionals.

  • Self-study: Read books and articles, watch videos, or take online courses.

  • Training in new working practices or new equipment: Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in your field.

  • Assessments, assignments, and projects: Demonstrate your learning through assessments, assignments, and projects.

  • Practical training: Get hands-on experience in the workplace.

It is important to track your on-the-job training during your apprenticeship. Click on the tab below to document your training.

Happy Office Talk

5. Functional Skills

Functional Skills Level 2 English -  Exempt

During enrolment you confirmed that you do not have Functional Skills English Level 2, or an equivalent qualification. Therefore, you will be required to complete this during your apprenticeship. Your assessor will explain what is involved and how the qualification will be assessed.

Functional Skills  - Level 2 Maths - Required 

During enrolment you  confirmed that you do not have Functional Skills English Level 2, or an equivalent qualification. Therefore, you will be required to complete it during your apprenticeship. Your assessor will explain what is involved and how the qualification will be assessed.

Hygiene Sue - Policies and Procedures

Hygiene Sue fully supports the principles of equality and diversity, safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and the right to a fair assessment .We are committed to satisfying these principles in all our activities and published material. A copy of our policies and procedures are available here

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